At CorpServices, you can find all the corporate solutions you need with integrated service, bringing more convenience and reducing your company's operational demand.
Check out some services offered by the group's companies:
Tax Compliance Services
Financial controls and monitoring of invoices issued at the City and State levels (customers and suppliers), as well as tax compliance reviews and accessory tax filings.
HR/Personnel Cycle Assistance Services
Personnel hiring and termination; updating employment and social security booklet (CTPS) and Employee Book/Registration Form; preparing termination cycles and unemployment insurance; calculation of vacation pay; control of employee compensation, payroll and paychecks; preparation of payment slips for GPS, FGTS, withholding income tax, Union Dues; and preparation of CAGED, RAIS, DIRF and Earnings Reports.
On-Call Tax Assistance Services
Assistance in the preparation and review of tax scenarios for strategic decision-making, risk measurement, and answers to questions regarding tax legislation.
Accounting BPO
Support of specialized professionals to properly guarantee the accounting record of their financial transactions.
Fiscal BPO
Conduct of tax control activity to meet the main and ancillary obligations in the federal, state and municipal spheres.
Financial BPO
Account management to pay and accounts receivable.
Payroll BPO
Calculation for payment and provision of labor and social security funds
Individual tax returns
Support in the declaration of income tax for individuals who have investments abroad.
Business and tax consultancy
Limited Review of Financial Statements, Accounting and Tax Consulting, Due Diligence (M&A), Evaluation of Internal Controls, Governance and Compliance, Internal Audit, Audit of Previously Agreed Procedures, Accounting Valuation Reports for corporate reorganizations.
Tax Planning and Management Services
We map our clients’ operations with a view to finding options to reduce their tax burden. Our work is based on the end-to-end chain, from the identification of opportunities to the actual implementation of tax and financial benefits.
Forensic Accounting
Technical advice for legal proceedings.
Compliance with bureaucratic procedures in the corporate, real estate, regulatory and certification areas.
International Tax Planning
We rely on a team of bilingual professionals experienced in pre-immigration tax planning, implementation of tax structures, preparation of accessory tax filings and financial reports.
Accounting and Tax solutions for the finance and capital markets
Accounting solutions in compliance with the requirements of Bacen (Cosif) and CVM (Cofi). Services for investment funds including accounting, taxes, fixed assets, and financial control after the closing of investment portfolios created in applications provided by the Fund’s Administrators. Monitoring and preparation of accounting information for each operating segment, such as preparing financial statements and compliance with CVM accounting requirements.